Video Transcript:
Hey, this is Ellis Smith at American Cannabis Company, thanks for tuning in.
Today we’re going to talk about cultivation design and how important it is to hire a firm or a resource that has experience in doing this and can really give you the guidance on designing a cultivation fields facility that meets your needs.
This is something that I have done personally within the company for the last seven years. We’ve built over a million square foot of growth space, if you’ve heard me say this before.
Like I said, we’ve designed over probably 10 million square foot through all different projects that we’ve done that may not have always got to market.
And so we really understand the process that it takes to put together a facility. But also, being operators in deploying businesses and getting them going, we understand and have refined our process over the years to ensure these things flow in a certain way.
And so make sure that you hire the right company to come in and understand what it’s like from the first person that walks into that door that’s going to the cultivation facility.
How are you going to decontaminate that person?
How are you going to provide a space for him to come into and change his clothes, change his shoes, but get into a clean uniform.
He’s at the process of putting on hairnets, rubber gloves, if you want to take it to this extreme. And then when he goes through that locker room into a threshold, we’re going to call it a clean zone/dirty zone.
How do we limit access into this clean zone of the cultivation space? You got to design behind all of this stuff.
And so once they’re behind that wall, what’s that ergonomic workflow from cutting cloned to transplanting, to moving plants from veg to flower, to harvest, to dry cure.
All of this stuff has to be in harmony or work with each other. You’ve got to look at different process, procedure, looking at lean manufacturing mindset, looking at Kaizen, what Toyota did with a constant improvement.
You have to constantly be looking at where you can provide these improvements and make things more efficient.
And so this is what we do: Here’s the company with the firms that we work with to put together these designs for you, on these floor plan drawings, on these concept drawings, and we would be glad to help you and assist you with your project.
We’ve got so much experience doing this stuff. I have a ton of fun doing it.
So, if you don’t have a firm, give us a call.
Love to help you and assist you with your design. Thanks.