Beyond What The Eye Sees
Cannabis Germplasm 101: Panel Discussion
How can we overcome the lack of accessible germplasm resources and begin proper plant breeding programs in cannabis?
Effective Bottom Line Growth Strategies With Farm Management Software
Ellis Smith and guest Matt Mayberry, CEO and Co-Founder of Trym, discuss how you can make informed decisions to improve operational efficiency, maintain consistency, grow revenue, and increase your competitive advantage.
Developing A Strong Culture Focused On Compliance
Exploring just what compliance means for the industry, and how business leaders can foster a healthy culture within their own companies.
Jenny Germano, the CEO and Lead Consultant with ICS Consulting, is a long time industry vet. Seeing the industry in Colorado go from an unregulated wild, wild, west to the strictly regulated market of 2018, has taught her the importance of understanding regulation and protocol.
Leveraging IPM To Grow A Safe, Compliant, And High-Yielding Cannabis Crop
Pest control is a significant concern in the cannabis industry and not all pest solutions are created equally. In this webcast, Todd Statzer and Ellis Smith walk us through some of the critical factors to set up a successful IPM program.
Cannabinoid Extract Purification With FCPC
Host Ellis Smith and special guest Dr. Nikos Xynos of Rousselet Robatel Kromaton, discuss an interesting approach to refining and isolating pure fractions of cannabinoids by sequentially applying centrifugal separation, extraction, and purification technologies.
Cannabis Micropropagation
Micropropagation is just cloning, except you use extremely small pieces of the plant instead of stem segments. Micropropagation isn’t hard, but it is very different from standard growing practices. Be prepared to do your homework.
Ultrasonic Liquid Processing for Cannabis Extraction and Emulsification
Take a deep dive into ultrasonic liquid processing for cannabis extraction and emulsification, with our host Ellis Smith and guest Dr. Peshkovsky, Co-founder and President of Industrial Sonomechanics.
Bringing Cleanliness To The Forefront Of Cannabis
Work Clean, Grow Clean, Stay Clean: How facilities in the cannabis industry can prevent contamination and protect their product, patients, and team.
Design, Compliance and Optimization For Extraction
Jim Lieberman didn’t plan to get into the cannabis industry when he graduated from the University of Richmond with a B.A. in chemistry. But, years later, looking back on his colorful journey through water treatment, nuclear & hazardous materials management into the oil & gas industry and pharmaceutical industry – his experiences amalgamated perfectly into the founding of THC Safety, Inc.
Geoponics - The Philosophy Of Living Soil
Geoponics is not a new way of growing cannabis, but it has come a long way in the past decade.
Energy Rebates: Made Easy for Lighting Vendors and Growers
The rebates are enormous opportunities in some states that could cover a huge percent of the cost paid back. Every dollar counts when you’re part of the cannabis industry and looking for a energy rebate. Weed out those energy rebates that do not make sense for your business, and identify steps to qualify for available energy Rebates.
Growing the Hemp Industry
Insight on developing the technologies and infrastructure needed to create higher value co-products from the hemp plant and enabling whole hemp utilization.
Adjusting Your Environment: How Lighting Affects Cannabis Cultivation
This webcast explains the impact of lighting on all other environmental factors, so that you can grow smarter and bring the highest quality plants to your customers.